渋谷の みんなが つながる ラジオ: https://shiburadi.com/
As a leader of Dream Builders, I was invited as a guest to the radio program which is called “Saraya Shibuya Branch Social Design Office”, where Ms.Yae, who is both a farmer and a singer, serves as a personality. I went on and talked about DB’s activity alongside Mr. Ryuuji Kouno, the director of Earth Day Tokyo, and Mr. EiichiroTokita, the representative of “Proging Japan”.
半農半歌手のYaeさんがパーソナリティを務める“サラヤ渋谷支社ソーシャルデザイン局” と言うラジオ番組に、ドリームビルダーズ代表として、アースデイ東京事務局長の河野竜二さん、プロギングジャパン代表の常田英一朗さんと共に出演させていただきました。
I was very nervous for my first live radio appearance, but I talked about our plans for Earth Day Tokyo 2024 and how I became interested in environmental protection activities. Please listen to the archive. I hope you like it!