Earth Day Tokyo 2024 events were on April 13th (Sat) and 14th (Sun) at Yoyogi Park, April 20th (Sat) and 21st (Sun) at Miyashita Park in Shibuya, and April 22nd (Mon) was online.
We, the Dream Builders, also had the opportunity to participate, and on April 13th (Saturday) and 14th (Sunday), we conducted eco-friendly goods sales at the Earth Day Tokyo Youth booth in Yoyogi Park!
私たちドリームビルダーズも機会をいただいて、4月13日(土), 14日(日)は代々木公園のアースデイ東京ユースのブースでエコグッズ販売を行いました!

Earth Day Tokyo Youth is a community within Earth Day Tokyo where junior high school students to university students from all over Japan participate.
Under the support of Earth Day Tokyo, they collaborate with corporations and administrations to implement actions related to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) that they want to try themselves, creating “new connections, new norms” as an organization. The older students in middle and high school, as well as university, kindly supported us.

Not only did they provide us with a space to sell our products, but in the youth tent, junior high and high school social entrepreneurs were developing their wonderful activities right next to us. We were greatly inspired and our dreams expanded as we were able to listen to their various thoughts and the process of creating wonderful products.

With the help of our cute second-year friends, lots of customers purchased DB’s eco-friendly goods. ✨
The “Eco Charms,” accessories upcycled from bottle caps that I made, also sold well with everyone’s support!!
Surprisingly, even our school teachers came to support us!
私が作ったペットボトルのふたをアップサイクルしたアクセサリー “EcoCharms” も多くの方に手に取ってもらえました。
I was really happy because I made each one with all my heart.
I would like to thank Aono Industrial Co., Ltd. for their help in making this “Eco Charm”. I am very grateful to Mr.Orimo and Mr.Aono for their kind support.
この “EcoCharms” の商品を作るために、株式会社青野工業の皆さんにご協力していただきました。

Thank you very much to everyone from Earth Day Tokyo, Earth Day Tokyo Youth, our supportive teacher, family and friends, and all the members!! We had a wonderful experience!❤️