On Sunday, April 21st, we co-hosted a screening of the documentary film about world-renowned environmental activist Greta Thunberg and the “Let’s Write a Letter to Greta!” project with the Earth Day Tokyo office at Earth Day Tokyo 2024.
4/21(日)アースデイ東京2024で、世界で活躍する環境アクティビスト、グレタ・トゥーンベリさんのドキュメンタリー映画の上映会と、〜 グレタさんに手紙を書こう! プロジェクト 〜をアースデイ東京事務局さんと共同開催いたしました。

Before the screening, we sold original eco-friendly goods from Dream Builders and accessories made from plastic bottle caps at the entrance of the theater. We are truly grateful to everyone who took the time to check them out.

The film offered us an opportunity to rediscover Greta’s thoughts and the extent of her learning and engagement with environmental issues. We were deeply moved by scenes of her facing challenges head-on to improve the environment and by her determination to appeal to world leaders despite having to sacrifice her school time to travel abroad and make her courageous speeches.
After watching the film, we all participated in a project to write letters to Greta. My Dream Builders teammates and I have been learning English since we were young. We carefully chose our words to craft a message that would resonate with Greta, culminating in a single letter that we presented together.
映画を観た後、みんなでグレタさんに手紙を書くプロジェクトも行いました。私やDream Buildersの仲間は、小さい頃からずっと英語を身につけて来た仲間です。得意の英語を生かして、グレタさんの心に届くような文章になるよう、どんな単語を選べばよいかをみんなで検討し、最後は1つの手紙にして全員で発表しました。

Mr. Kono, the Director of the Earth Day Tokyo office, also joined us and concluded the event with some wonderful comments.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to everyone at Human Trust Cinema Shibuya, Tokyo Theatres Co., Inc., and Unplugged Inc. Additionally, we are grateful to Mr. Ushijima from Oisix ra daichi Inc. for connecting us with Unplugged Inc., and to the Earth Day Tokyo office for co-hosting this event and providing us with such a wonderful opportunity. Thank you very much.