ゴールデンウィークの5/2, 5/3は、アースデイ東京の皆さんと一緒に、廃食油でできたバイオディーゼルで動くバスに乗って、能登の被災地支援に行きました。
During Golden Week, on May 2 and 3, we joined the Earth Day Tokyo team to support disaster relief efforts in Noto by taking a bus powered by biodiesel made from used cooking oil.

We departed at 9 PM, and the journey took over 7 hours one way! It was my first time taking an overnight bus, and when we drove over bumpy roads affected by the earthquake, the shaking was intense, and it felt a little scary.
However, the adults around me were very kind during the trip and in Noto too, which helped me be brave.
At the site, Open Japan, a professional support organization for disaster-affected areas took the lead in organizing various activities.
During the meal distribution at the temporary housing area, I helped prepare rice balls, cut vegetables and tofu for mixed rice and miso soup, and grilled about 100 dried horse mackerels with a high school student.

I had never cooked such a large quantity of food before, so it was a valuable experience.
Other groups helped at locations where the temple bell had collapsed under a roof and at houses where rooms were still in disarray.

The time we spent there flew by as we distributed meals, and played with local elementary school children, and before we knew it, it was time to head back.
As we were leaving, the children we had become friends with waved goodbye as we headed to the bus, and I almost felt like crying.
In Noto, as shown in the photos, rubble still remains scattered throughout the town, and many places were without water until the day before we arrived. A lot of support is still needed for the area’s recovery.

Although it happened before I was born, I heard that the Earth Day Tokyo team also worked hard to support the affected areas during the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I hope that the activities of Open Japan and Earth Day Tokyo, as well as posts like this, reach as many people as possible, so more people become aware of the current situation in the disaster-stricken areas, and support continues.