第3回NEOアワード、最優秀賞の副賞で、Dream Builders代表、みれいのアクセサリーブランド “EcoCharms” は有楽町マルイ1F イベントスペースに展示していただけることになりました。
As a prize for winning the Grand Prize at the 3rd NEO Awards, Dream Builders’ representative Mirei’s accessory brand “EcoCharms” is being showcased at the event space on the 1st floor of Yurakucho Marui.
The exhibition runs from Friday, September 20 to Friday, October 4. We would be delighted if you could come and take a look.
We would be delighted if everyone could take this opportunity to see the beautiful colors and charm of our handmade accessories made from bottle caps!

Dream Buildersのみんながボトルキャップを集めたり、色分けをしたり、私1人では大変な部分を手伝ってくれています。
The Dream Builders team helps me collect and sort bottle caps, assisting in areas that would be difficult for me alone.
Our goal is for people to remember environmental issues whenever they see our accessories and to encourage more people to live eco-friendly lives.

We also provide English labels and charms featuring the Japanese flag so that international tourists can enjoy our products. We have recently launched an Instagram account, so please follow us!
Moving forward, we plan to sell our products in various locations and expand our activities by donating a portion of our sales. We’ve also launched a web shop which is linked to the illustration below!
Thank you for your continued support!