私たち “Dream Builders”は、小学生の子どもたちが立ち上げた、地球環境の未来を守るために活動するグループです。自然や生き物、そして地球を大切に想う子どもたちが集まり、持続可能な未来のために協力し合い、自ら取り組んでいます。
We, Dream Builders, are a group of students volunteering to make our Earth sustainable in the future by participating in various projects.
Our goal is to protect nature and animals, and elementary students have been actively involved in efforts to keep our Earth clean for the future.
We are a project team started by 4th and 5th grade children in 2023. We learn about environmental issues, find problems, think of solutions, and take action.Each member is responsible for project planning, management and execution, advertising, and design. They tackle hard situations with their unique personalities and skills.
Although we are still young students, we believe that our enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication will help us to play a role in addressing challenges on this planet.
Our Vision
Dream Buildersは、子どもたちが自分で学び成長できる場であるとともに、身近なアクションを大切に積み重ねることで、サステナブルな未来を目指します。
Dream Builders is a place where children can learn on their own. We aim for a sustainable future by valuing familiar actions.
Our Mission
Dream Buildersは子どもたちが環境や社会の問題に対して、希望を持って行動できる社会を目指し、“誰ひとり取り残されない”持続可能な世界を作るために協力します。
Dream Builders aims to create a society where children can take action with hope towards environmental and social issues, and we work together to build a sustainable world where no one is left behind.

Research / Presentation
We research the topic, then summarize our findings into an article using diagrams and photos to present our findings. We write in both English and Japanese to advocate our activities to more people.

Experiments / Workshops
We conduct experiments to gain awareness into specific aspects of global issues. We also organize workshops to share these experiences, helping children of the same age deeply understand them.

Fundraising Events / Donations
We actively contribute to solving problems by selling eco-friendly products designed with our logo and slogan.(“Small Steps, Big Impact.”) We donate the funds raised through our activities to support people.
私たちは、”Small Steps, Big Impact”というDream Buildersのスローガンとロゴをデザインしたエコ商品を販売し、活動を通じて集まった資金を寄付してこの問題の解決に向けて積極的にアクションを起こしています。