To Everyone Interested in Dream Builders’ Activities

ドリームビルダーズ代表 沖田 美怜
Thank you for your interest in the Dream Builders and our activities.
The Dream Builders is a team of elementary school students who lead social and environmental protection-related initiatives.
Our goal is to learn and take meaningful actions, step by step, starting with things close to us to make a positive impact on the Earth’s environment, even if small. We believe that small actions can grow into a powerful movement when we collaborate, learn, and grow as a team.
Some may wonder, “What can children do alone?” However, since our founding we have had the support of many adults, which has allowed us to gain countless meaningful experiences.
Our activities place an emphasize providing future generations with opportunities to confront social issues and the natural environment and reflect on our relationship with society and the Earth. We believe it is enriching to develop the ability to “learn, act, and make change,” and we run our team with hope and purpose, inspired by the impact we can make.
We want more young members to experience the joy of sharing ideas, supporting each other, setting goals, and working together toward shared accomplishments through the encouragement and support of those around us.
Please join us on this journey!
Mirei Okita
President & Founder, Dream Builders
これらの中で私たち大人が目の当たりにしたのは、子どもたちの新たな一面でした。この活動は、テストの成績や家庭での親子のやりとりのみでは気づかなかった社会の中における “我が子の強み” や、”自立への歩み”を垣間見ることができる素晴らしい機会でもあったのです。同時に、自然な形で自己肯定感、自己効力感の高まりが生まれていることにも驚かされます。
沖田 麻優子
Parent Representative Testimonial
When my daughters launched the Dream Builders, what struck me most deeply was the importance of believing in and witnessing the potential and power of our children. This team is more than a volunteer group—it is a space where children can experience the joy of contributing to society on their own terms, form meaningful friendships that transcend boundaries like school location or spoken language, and learn the importance of cooperation.
Dream Builders offers many valuable experiences: Students learn to turn their attention to social issues close to home, consider how they can contribute regardless of their age, consult adults when necessary to help realize their goals, master digital tools to create logos and original goods, set project goals and present their ideas to audiences, conduct experiments to test hypotheses, coordinate events, learn practical skills like handling finances and using polite language, express gratitude to their supporters, and so much more.
Through their activities, we have been able to witness a new side of our children, glimpsing their strengths in a social context and their transition into independently functioning adults. These are aspects we cannot fully recognize through test scores or family interactions alone. We are continually amazed to see their growing self-esteem and self-efficacy through their involvement in the Dream Builders program.
Watching members apply their skills in communication, self-control, flexible thinking, and decision-making when tackling challenges—combined with their intrinsic motivation, perseverance toward goals, and creativity—shows us these are the life skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing future.
Beyond fun memories and friendships, these experiences have become lifelong treasures for our children. Even without detailed guidance from adults, they take initiative, think, and accomplish their goals independently. Their proactive leadership and genuine smiles during events are the greatest gifts we as parents could receive.
If your child is interested in joining us, we hope you will consider their participation in Dream Builders with reassurance. We also have a parent support team on event days to ensure safety, and we welcome you to join us.
Thank you for your continued encouragement and support of our children’s activities.
Mayuko Okita

メンバーのお子さんと保護者様の声 / Testimonials
It’s fun to learn about the environment with friends, take action to help the future, and enjoy it together. We will keep working hard to let more people know about what we are doing!
【Aさんのお母様】子供達が自分たちで意見を出し合い、実行し、目標に向かって歩む姿を陰ながら見守ってきました。今後もDream Builders の一員として、少しでも地球に優しい活動に取り組むと共に、環境問題を見直していただけるきっかけとなることを願っています。
We’ve quietly supported the children as they share their ideas, take action, and work toward their goals. I hope that, as a member of Dream Builders, my child can continue working on activities that are kind to the planet and inspire others to reconsider environmental issues.
Dream Builders gives us a great chance to try new things, like speaking in front of people or giving pamphlets to others and explaining what we do.
By participating in Dream Builders, my son has been able to grow by thinking and acting on his own, guided by his friends but making his own way, and connecting directly with society outside of school. Watching him grow firsthand has been incredibly reassuring as a parent.
【C君のお母様】Dream Buildersの参加により、SDG’sに興味を持ち、少しづつでも何か取り組む事を学んで欲しくて子供の参加を決めました。守るべき地球、良い環境で過ごしやすい未来づくり、子供達がどこまで出来るかワクワクしています。うちの子供は、SDG’sを勉強しつつ、メンバーとのチームワーク、人前での発表のスキルを楽しんで学んでいるようです。
We decided to have our child join Dream Builders in hopes that he would develop an interest in the SDGs and start working on small steps toward positive change. We are excited to see how far the children can go in creating a better world with a livable environment. My child seems to enjoy learning about the SDGs, developing teamwork skills, and gaining confidence in presenting in front of others.
- 活動に必要な時間や取り組みのレベル、費用などは?
What is the time commitment/cost involved with being a part of the Dream Builders?
New participants may choose from two commitment levels to fit their preferred involvement style.
Active Member: Actively participates in event planning and workshops alongside core members.
Support Member: Joins only on the event day (this level is ideal for those who want to try the program out or are new to the team).
より積極的に運営に関わりたいお子さんには、アクティブメンバーを経て、コアメンバー (Core Member)になっていただく可能性もあります。
For those interested in deeper involvement, we offer a path from active to core membership, where members play an essential role in managing activities. Costs will include participation fees, material costs, and transportation for each event. - 安全性は?
Is it safe?
All activities are supervised by parent supporters to ensure safety.
In some cases, we may ask participants to join an insurance plan and/or request additional parent supervision depending on the event. - 他の子どもたちとうまく馴染めるでしょうか?
Will my child fit in with the other kids?
Most new members quickly adapt and make friends within the team after a few activities.
This is a great opportunity to make new friends outside of school!
Many team members are bilingual, so it can also be a chance for your child to practice English by speaking with peers. - 保護者としてはどの程度の関わりを求められるのでしょうか?
What is the level of involvement expected from parents?
We welcome parents who want to support their child’s interests on our journey!
We ask for assistance with:
・Safe transport to and from venues
・Preparation of materials and other items as needed

We look forward to your participation!
If you have any questions, please reach out to us via our “Contact” page.
To receive information about our events, please register with our official LINE account: https://line.me/R/ti/p/@662eqlxz